to react to Russia's actions in Ukraine and to express our support to brave and proud people of Ukraine, our Society will provide humanitarian aid to people in need.
We are profoundly concerned about the extent of Russia's military actions in Ukraine. We are against Russian's invasion of the Ukrainian territory that has caused bloodshed and forced thousands of people to flee their country.
Please find below the account number of our Society dedicated to collecting funds to support Ukraine and its citizens. The funds will be transferred through the official Polish organization providing international aid.
For your transfer use Payment Reference: Help for Ukraine
Europejskie Towarzystwo Chirurgiczne (ESS)
Address: Ul. Kopernika 40; Kraków 31-501
Bank details:
Oddz.13 w Krakowie
Al. Powstania Warszawskiego 10, 31-549 Krakow Swift : BPKOPLPW
IBAN (Euro) : PL 70 1020 2906 0000 1202 0187 0252
We will report to you about the progress.
Ferdinando Cafiero, ESS President
Jan Kulig, ESS Secretary General
Antoni Szczepanik, ESS Board Member responsible for humanitarian aid
15th European Colorectal Congress of St.Gallen
Ist Turkish International Colorectal Surgery Congress
The ASGBI 2021 Virtual conference
Latest news!
The Dear ESS Members and Friends,
due to the pandemic we are not able to inform you about the date
of our next Annual Meeting.
The ESS Board
As the result of the cooperation with the Webop Gmbh we have opened the possibility of free access to educational video resources for our members. Please use the link below.
The ESS leadership is aware of the global diffusion of the corona virus (COVID-19). In view of the
recent outbreak of this disease in Italy and of its rapid spreading in many other countries, the ESS
Board has taken the difficult decision to cancel the upcoming congress in Genova.
However much we regret not meeting with you, all our faculty, participants and sponsors, the health
of our families, friends and members is, and remains, our priority.
There is still the possibility, that we could organize the meeting in October. We will inform you within next weeks.
ESS Secretary General Jan Kulig
The XXIII Annual Meeting and XVI International Congress
of Colorectal Surgery will be held on October 3th-6th 2019
in Varna, Bulgaria
Dear Members and Friends,
we are still waiting for the opening of the official website of the XXIII Annual Meeting. If you need the most accurate information contact the organizing company send an e-mail to
The XXII Annual Meeting, September 26th -28th, 2018, Yerevan, Armenia
The XXI Annual Meeting, September 27th -30th, 2017, Krakow, Poland
ESS Conference, 9th - 11th June 2016, Naples, Italy
CSS & ESS Conference, 15th -17th May 2015, Beijing
1st Surgical Gastroenterology Meet, 26th -28th February 2015, Dubai
The 1st Surgical Gastroenterology Meet was held in Dubai , 26th-28th February 2015 in Dubai.
The conference was organized by the Prime Hospital I Dubai, under the patronage of The European Society of Surgery, American College of Surgeons ( UAE Chapter), and UEMS.
This was a very fruitful meeting, perfectly organized. Scientific program covered wide range of topics of gastrointestinal surgery, bariatric and metabolic surgery, as well as transplantation.
The conference gathered 250 participants and a number of speakers from many countries. Again this initiative showed that the ESS acts not in the Europe only, but builds bridges between surgeons across the world.
Congratulations to the Management and the staff of the Prime Hospital in Dubai for their scientific and educational activity.
18th Annual Meeting ESS: Beirut, Lebanon
President: Prof. Ghassan Ramadan
The European Exam in General Surgery and the ESS Meeting,
Beirut, Lebanon, June 17th – 21st 2015
17th Annual Meeting ESS: Malta
President: Prof. A. Barbarisi, Prof. A. Felice
Malta, Gallery:
16th Annual Meeting ESS: Istanbul, Turkey
President: Prof. Dr Cem Terzi
Dear ESS members, Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to share with you some information about the XVIth Annual Conference of the European Society of Surgery that was held on November 22nd - 24th, 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey. The motto of the Conference was "Meet the experts of Surgery where the continents meet". Professor Cem Terzi, President of the Society and at the same time President of the Organizing Committee gathered in Istanbul 750 surgeons from 41 countries. The Congress was organized in the Askeri Museum Conference Center. Scientific program was most adequately prepared and covered a whole range of topics. Besides free paper presentations, there were lectures-on-invitation, round table discussions, video presentations, and the innovative interactive sessions. These latter ones focusing on the management of GI tract diseases were highly valued among congress attendants. The attendants had the opportunity to vote for the best diagnostic or therapeutic solutions to be applied, while the experts commented and analyzed therapeutic options. The discussions were hot and continued even during the informal meetings in the evenings.
A great advantage of the Conference was rich program of the pre-congress courses focusing on the surgical treatment and diagnostics of GI tract and breast diseases including robotic surgeries.
The information on the Congress would be incomplete without congratulating 19 young surgeons, who successfully passed the UEMS Examination in General Surgery and became Fellows of the European Board of Surgery. It was the third Examination organized in collaboration of our Society with the UEMS Board of Surgery.
I would like to add my voice to the chorus of congratulations regarding the
excellent meeting we had in Torino, thanks to your superb organisational
efforts. The congress itself was very productive, full of ideas and some
controversies, just the right mix for a stimulating meeting. The sessions I
chaired were of very high standard both from the point of view of the
presenters as well as the excellent dicussants.
I would like to also take this opportunity to send my regards to all my
friends in the ESS.
Lino Cutajar.
Turin, Gallery:
13th Annual Meeting ESS: Tbilisi, Georgia
13th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Surgery was held
Tbilisi, Georgia on November 27th/218th 2009. President of the Society,
prof. Giorgi Giorgobiani and organizers of the Conference attracted
surgeons from 15 countries. It was great pleasure to meet many of
Scientific programme of the Conference covered topics related to
of liver and bile ducts, gastrointestinal tract, hernia repairs,
invasive surgery, military (war) injuries and their management.
We congratulate hosts of the Conference on success of the Meeting.
ESS Secretary General
Prof. Jan Kulig
Presidents: Professor Giorgi Giorgobiani, Professor
Zurab Vadachkoria